Friday 31 January 2020

The Coronavirus: Summary of what you need to know

A Coronavirus is a kind of common virus that causes an infection in the respiratory system.
It was first discovered in the 1960s. The earliest ones discovered were infections bronchitis virus in chickens and from the nasal cavities of human patients with common cold.
The name "Coronavirus" is derived from the Latin Corona and the Greek kopwvn, meaning crown or Halo.
There's no vaccine for Coronavirus.
To prevent an infection:
Wash your hands.
Keep your hands away from your entire face.
Avoid contact with people infected.
Avoid common cold.
This is just a brief of what you need to know.
Observe, follow instructions and be healthy.
It's a new year and your health is a vital key to ending the year a success.

The Making

The last three years of my Life has been the most interesting.
As difficult and challenging those years were, I can say they marked the beginning of a new me.
I lost my monthly paid job October 25th 2017. It was like the world was ending for me.
Before this happened, earlier that year, I was hospitalized for the first time in my entire life as human. I almost gave up but God showed up and rescued me from death. A big lesson was learnt from that incidence.
October came and the job was gone. The same job that almost took my life.
That was the beginning of a rebirth for me. My mental faculty was put to rest. So many ideas started running through my mind. I had much time on my hands to think about what I really wanted. If I needed a change in every aspect of my life. Prior to this time, I have been going through a lot of ups and downs both in career and relationships.
Everything happens for a reason. TGIF

Thursday 30 January 2020

My Journey as a Blogger begins

Over the years, I've always wanted to be that person that would be an influence and a role model to as many people around me as possible.  Growing up in the City (the largest city in West Africa), I was exposed to a whole lot of different activities both at home and in school.
The story of my Life cannot be written in a book. It would be in volumes.
Welcome to my world. I personally welcome you all to this journey, to this dream come true.
To the One and only woman in my Life as I write this post, the inspiration and force behind this reality, I love you.
I want to remember this post for as long as I live.